The talk of the Apple community

<p><a href=""><strong>FiLMiC</strong></a> has just released a new iPhone camera app, <a href=""><strong>Firstlight</strong></a>, that approaches mobile photography from a new angle. Founder and CEO Neill Barham and CTO Chris Cohen talk about the analog roots of the app, why it was four years in development, and what sent them back to the drawing board. Why Firstlight’s approach is different to filter-based apps, the pricing structure, and why it can improve your photos no matter what iPhone you use are part of this in-depth discussion of an app that is clearly developed out of passion for photography.</p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong><a href="">Lightstream</a></strong>. Low rates. Great Service. That's Lending Uncomplicated. Visit <strong><a href=""></a></strong> for a special discount just for MacVoices viewers and listeners.</p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>ATTO</strong></a>. The Power Behind the Storage.</p>
<p><a href=""><img height="130" alt="" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-9612" src="" width="210"/></a></p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Chuck Joiner</strong> is the producer and host of <a href=""><strong>MacVoices</strong></a>. You can catch up with what he's doing on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a>,<strong> <a href="">Facebook</a></strong>, and<strong> <a href="">LinkedIn</a></strong>.</p>
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<p><strong>Neill Barham</strong> is the guiding vision behind FiLMiC Inc. and the primary architect behind FiLMiC Pro. An independent filmmaker from Seattle, WA turned serial entrepreneur, Neill studied at the Vancouver Film School before working on projects large and small in countries all over the world. With the advent of the iPhone 4 and it’s ability to shoot high definition video, Neill saw a vision of the future where everyone had the tools to become an artist or storyteller. He began working on the initial designs ofthe FiLMiC Pro in 2010 and has been relentlessly updating the app ever since. Under his leadership FiLMiC Pro has become the pre-eminent high end video app, used by filmmakers, artists, educators and journalists the world over.</p>
<p><strong>Chris Cohen</strong> is the Chief Technology Officer for FiLMic.</p>

Direct download: MV19250.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:51am EST