The talk of the Apple community

<p>In the second part of our conversation with <strong>David Sparks</strong>, we talk about the evolution of our software tools and how his legal education influences his approach to the many MarSparky projects. David also gives us a different perspective on the debate over whether the Mac and iPad are or even should come together. (Part 2) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="152" alt="MacVoices Slack" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-12150" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by The MacVoices Slack. Available to silver, gold, and platinum Patrons of MacVoices. Sign up at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">Shortcuts for Mac Field Guide</a> </strong><strong>(Standard Version)</strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Shortcuts for Mac Field Guide</a> ( Plus Version)</strong></p>
<p>Use the code ILoveChuck to receive 10% off David’s Shortcuts Field Guides</p>
<p><strong>David Sparks</strong>  is a trial attorney who gave up his law practice to become a full-time geek.. David publishes<strong> <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong> and is the co-host of the <strong><a title="Mac Power Users" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mac Power Users</a></strong> podcast. He is also part of the <strong><a href="">Focused</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Automators</a></strong> podcasts, and publishes his Field Guide series of training at<strong> <a href=""></a></strong>, among other-MacSparky-related projects..</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22139.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:25pm EST

<p>We catch up with <strong>David Sparks</strong> to discuss a variety of topics, including his transition away from the practice of law and how <a href=""><strong></strong></a> has evolved and grown. Next, we touch on his new <strong><a href="">Shortcuts for Mac Field Guide</a></strong>, why shortcuts on the Mac got off to a rough start, and how it has improved in recent versions. (Part 1)</p>
<p><a href=""><img height="108" alt="" class=" wp-image-12535 aligncenter" src="" width="245" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Zocdoc</strong>. Find local doctors who take your insurance at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">Shortcuts for Mac Field Guide</a> </strong><strong>(Standard Version)</strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Shortcuts for Mac Field Guide</a> ( Plus Version)</strong></p>
<p><strong>David Sparks</strong>  is a trial attorney who gave up his law practice to become a full-time geek.. David publishes<strong> <a title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong> and is the co-host of the <strong><a title="Mac Power Users" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Mac Power Users</a></strong> podcast. He is also part of the <strong><a href="">Focused</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Automators</a></strong> podcasts, and publishes his Field Guide series of training at<strong> <a href=""></a></strong>, among other-MacSparky-related projects..</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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Direct download: MV22138.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

<p>In the June Update, Chuck reviews the introduction of the Select Tech series, looks forward to both pre- and post- Macstock Conference & Expo shows, reviews some schedule changes for the next couple weeks, and delivers the monthly Support Report. </p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22137.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:50pm EST

<p>The discussion surrounding USB-C vs. Lightning connectors for iPhone and iPad isn’t as clear cut as you might think. The MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, Mike Schmitz</strong>, <strong>Dave Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Brittany S</strong><strong>mith</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, and <strong>Frank Petrie </strong>cover the advantages and disadvantages of both, and why your use case might make the decision on which side of the debate you are on. (Part 3) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="108" alt="" class=" wp-image-12535 aligncenter" src="" width="245" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Zocdoc</strong>. Find doctors who are patient-reviewed, take your insurance and are available when you need them at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>Lightning versus USB-C: Pros and cons for the iPhone</strong></a> by Andrew Orr on AppleInsider  </p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the <strong><a href="">Daily Observations Podcast</a></strong> at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts <strong><a href="">I Want My M(CU) TV</a></strong>. You can also hear her on <a href=""><strong>The Aftershow</strong></a> with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Schmitz</strong> is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for <strong><a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">The Sweet Setup</a></strong>, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of <a href=""><strong>FaithBasedProductivity</strong></a>, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of <strong><a href="">Thou Shalt Hustle</a></strong>. He is also the co-host of the <a href=""><strong>Bookworm</strong></a> podcast and (probably) spends too much time on <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>. You can find all his projects on his personal web site, <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. Follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>_MikeSchmitz</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.<br /><br /></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     LinkedIn:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22136.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:52pm EST

<p>The MacVoices panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, Mike Schmitz</strong>, <strong>Dave Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Brittany S</strong><strong>mith</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, and <strong>Frank Petrie </strong>finally finish of the password debate, then focus their attention on a recent question over a class action legal fee. That led to a spirited discussion on the merits of such legal actions, before switching over to the start of  a comparison of Lightning to USB-C connectors. (Part 2) </p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="108" alt="" class=" wp-image-12535 aligncenter" src="" width="245" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Zocdoc</strong>. Find doctors who are patient-reviewed, take your insurance and are available when you need them at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>Judge Questions $27 million Attorney Fee in Apple Small App Developers Settlement</strong></a> on Apple World </p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Lightning versus USB-C: Pros and cons for the iPhone</strong></a> by Andrew Orr on AppleInsider  </p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the <strong><a href="">Daily Observations Podcast</a></strong> at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts <strong><a href="">I Want My M(CU) TV</a></strong>. You can also hear her on <a href=""><strong>The Aftershow</strong></a> with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Schmitz</strong> is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for <strong><a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">The Sweet Setup</a></strong>, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of <a href=""><strong>FaithBasedProductivity</strong></a>, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of <strong><a href="">Thou Shalt Hustle</a></strong>. He is also the co-host of the <a href=""><strong>Bookworm</strong></a> podcast and (probably) spends too much time on <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>. You can find all his projects on his personal web site, <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. Follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>_MikeSchmitz</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.<br /><br /></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     LinkedIn:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22135.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:15pm EST

<p>This MacVoices Live! discussion starts out with a report and discussion on the other big event at WWDC, the annual State of the Union Address for developers. <strong>Chuck Joiner, Mike Schmitz</strong>, <strong>Dave Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Brittany S</strong><strong>mith</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, and <strong>Frank Petrie</strong> dig in to some of the new aspects, and presenters. The conversation then turns to what Apple is doing to improve security by moving beyond passwords. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="169" alt="MacVoices After Dark" class="size-medium wp-image-11534 aligncenter" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>MacVoices After Dark</strong></a>, our newest benefit for all Patreon supporters. Uncensored, off-topic, and always off the wall.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the <strong><a href="">Daily Observations Podcast</a></strong> at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts <strong><a href="">I Want My M(CU) TV</a></strong>. You can also hear her on <a href=""><strong>The Aftershow</strong></a> with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Schmitz</strong> is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for <strong><a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">The Sweet Setup</a></strong>, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of <a href=""><strong>FaithBasedProductivity</strong></a>, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of <strong><a href="">Thou Shalt Hustle</a></strong>. He is also the co-host of the <a href=""><strong>Bookworm</strong></a> podcast and (probably) spends too much time on <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>. You can find all his projects on his personal web site, <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. Follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>_MikeSchmitz</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.<br /><br /></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV22134.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:13pm EST

<p>Our conversation with  <strong>Terri Morgan,</strong> Co-Founder and Principle Designer and <strong>Chris Demiris</strong>, Co-Founder and Principal Engineer of <strong><a href="">LumaTouch</a></strong> wraps up with why LumaFusion should be considered a “professional app” for the iPad, and more on some of the upcoming features, including multi-cam editing. Yes, you can run LumaFusion on a Mac and Chris explains how, and we wrap with the team explaining why they try to make their features work the way their users work, not the way someone <em>thinks</em> they should work. (Part 2) </p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing. <img height="72" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" src="" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" class="alignnone" /></p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>Explore EDR on iOS </strong></a>- (WWDC Video), time 3:45</p>
<p><strong>Terri Morgan</strong> is Co-Founder and Principle Designer at <a href=""><strong>LumaTouch</strong></a>. She brings over 30 years of experience from the video industry to her passion for user experience and design. In 1988 Terri helped usher in the era of non-linear editing as a video editor at Alpha Cine Labs in Seattle. In 1995 she joined Lightworks in London, and became a Product Specialist, creating a powerful, multi-track editing system. In 2000, she founded a video editing and consulting business providing design and testing for Fast Multimedia and Pinnacle Systems. In 2007, Terri joined Avid as a Principal Product Designer where she led the product management and design of Pinnacle Studio for iPad and was honored with the Avid Achievement Award. Terri has received multiple awards for her editing work, including 3 Telly awards. She earned her BA in Visual Communications at The Evergreen State College, and her Professional Certificate in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington.</p>
<p><strong>Chris Demiris </strong>is Co-Founder and Principal Engineer at <a href=""><strong>Luma Touch</strong></a><strong>. </strong>He is an expert at building new technologies into complete products, leading engineering teams to create quality results and integrating technologies to create complete, award-winning apps. Focused on video editing and video effects apps for iOS. Chris’ specialties include iOS native media and UI development, OpenGL, DirectX, 3D graphics for video processing, video effects, digital rights management, and  3D editing tool creation.</p>
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Direct download: MV22133.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:11pm EST

<p>We caught up with <strong>Terri Morgan,</strong> Co-Founder and Principle Designer and <strong>Chris Demiris</strong>, Co-Founder and Principal Engineer of <strong><a href="">LumaTouch</a></strong> to talk about why they decided not to attend NAB and their appearance in a WWDC video showing off Reference Mode in iPadOS. They also tease us with some of the new features coming in the 3.1 update (free as usual for existing users) that include scopes and more. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="112" alt="Kolide" class="aligncenter wp-image-12736 size-medium" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Kolide</strong>. Get important, timely, and relevant security recommendations for your Mac, right inside Slack. Try Kolide with all its features on an unlimited number of devices for free for 14 days; no credit card required, at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>Explore EDR on iOS </strong></a>- (WWDC Video), time 3:45</p>
<p><strong>Terri Morgan</strong> is Co-Founder and Principle Designer at <a href=""><strong>LumaTouch</strong></a>. She brings over 30 years of experience from the video industry to her passion for user experience and design. In 1988 Terri helped usher in the era of non-linear editing as a video editor at Alpha Cine Labs in Seattle. In 1995 she joined Lightworks in London, and became a Product Specialist, creating a powerful, multi-track editing system. In 2000, she founded a video editing and consulting business providing design and testing for Fast Multimedia and Pinnacle Systems. In 2007, Terri joined Avid as a Principal Product Designer where she led the product management and design of Pinnacle Studio for iPad and was honored with the Avid Achievement Award. Terri has received multiple awards for her editing work, including 3 Telly awards. She earned her BA in Visual Communications at The Evergreen State College, and her Professional Certificate in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington.</p>
<p><strong>Chris Demiris </strong>is Co-Founder and Principal Engineer at <a href=""><strong>Luma Touch</strong></a><strong>. </strong>He is an expert at building new technologies into complete products, leading engineering teams to create quality results and integrating technologies to create complete, award-winning apps. Focused on video editing and video effects apps for iOS. Chris’ specialties include iOS native media and UI development, OpenGL, DirectX, 3D graphics for video processing, video effects, digital rights management, and  3D editing tool creation.</p>
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Direct download: MV22132.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:44pm EST

<p>In the second part of our conversation with <strong>Jeff Carlson</strong> about his new computational photography column, we take a hard look at some examples that go way beyond just making your photos look good. Jeff also covers some examples of how computational photography can help you do things that you might never be able to do on your own, and why we do’t see more computational power built into traditional cameras. (Part 2)</p>
<p><a href=""><img height="112" alt="Kolide" class="aligncenter wp-image-12736 size-medium" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Kolide</strong>. Get important, timely, and relevant security recommendations for your Mac, right inside Slack. Try Kolide with all its features on an unlimited number of devices for free for 14 days; no credit card required, at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>DxO PureRAW 2</strong></a></p>
<p>Author and photographer <strong>Jeff Carlson</strong> (<strong><a href="">@jeffcarlson</a></strong>, is a columnist for the Seattle Times, a contributing editor at TidBITS (<strong><a href=""></a></strong>), and writes for publications such as<strong> <a href="">Macworld</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Photographic Elements Techniques</a></strong>. He is the author of <strong><a href="">The Connected Apple Family</a></strong>,<strong> <a href="">The iPad for Photographers, Third Edition</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">iPad & iPhone Video: Film, Edit, and Share the Apple Way</a></strong>, and<strong> <a href="">Take Control of Your Digital Photos on the Mac</a></strong>, among many other books. He believes there's never enough coffee, and does his best to test that theory. You can find him podcasting about photography on both <a href=""><strong>PhotoActive</strong></a> and <strong><a href="">Photocombobulate</a></strong>. He is also authoring a computational photography column at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV22131.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:09pm EST

<p><strong>Jeff Carlson</strong> has a new column at <a href=""><strong>PopPhoto</strong></a> where he is covering computational photography. What is there to know beyond the iPhone? Quite a bit, actually. Jeff explains why computational photography is a real thing for not just taking but also editing photos as well as changing photo workflows. He shares some examples of each and explains why this enhances, not detracts from or replaces, your existing photography skills. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="112" alt="Kolide" class="aligncenter wp-image-12736 size-medium" src="" width="300" /></a> </p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Kolide</strong>. Get important, timely, and relevant security recommendations for your Mac, right inside Slack. Try Kolide with all its features on an unlimited number of devices for free for 14 days; no credit card required, at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>DxO PureRAW 2</strong></a></p>
<p>Author and photographer <strong>Jeff Carlson</strong> (<strong><a href="">@jeffcarlson</a></strong>, is a columnist for the Seattle Times, a contributing editor at TidBITS (<strong><a href=""></a></strong>), and writes for publications such as<strong> <a href="">Macworld</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Photographic Elements Techniques</a></strong>. He is the author of <strong><a href="">The Connected Apple Family</a></strong>,<strong> <a href="">The iPad for Photographers, Third Edition</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">iPad & iPhone Video: Film, Edit, and Share the Apple Way</a></strong>, and<strong> <a href="">Take Control of Your Digital Photos on the Mac</a></strong>, among many other books. He believes there's never enough coffee, and does his best to test that theory. You can find him podcasting about photography on both <a href=""><strong>PhotoActive</strong></a> and <strong><a href="">Photocombobulate</a></strong>. He is also authoring a computational photography column at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV22130.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:48am EST

<p><strong>Chuck Joiner</strong>, <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, and <strong>Frank Petrie </strong>wrap up this MacVoices Live! conversation by concluding a discussion of in-app account deletion requirements that Apple is expected to implement soon. That led into a conversation about abandoned accounts, and finished off with a conversation about a new tool for podcasters and anyone who does audio. (Part 3) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="152" alt="MacVoices Slack" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-12150" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by The MacVoices Slack. Available to silver, gold, and platinum Patrons of MacVoices. Sign up at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">Apple Music now available as built-in audio player</a> on Waze on 9To5Mac</strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Overcast</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Pocket Casts</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>All In Podcast - Interview with Elon Musk (Episode #96)</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Apple sets new deadline for in-app account deletion requirement</a> on 9To5Mac</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a href="">RØDECaster Pro II All-in-One Production Solution for Podcasting, Streaming, Music Production and Content Creation</a></strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at <strong><a href="">AppleInsider</a></strong>. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a> or sample his musical tastes on <a href=""><strong>Apple Music</strong></a>…if you dare.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.<br /><br /></p>
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Direct download: MV22129.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:28pm EST

The MacVoices Live! panel of Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Jeff Gamet, Jim Rea, Andrew Orr, Mark Fuccio, and Frank Petrie finish off a discussion of how podcasts have evolved, and answer a question about how they listen. Next up, Apple’s deadline for the inclusion of in-app account deletion is discussed, including why this has deadline has been extended before, why it might be extended again, and whether it is a good idea at all. (Part 2) Truebill MacVoices is supported by Truebill. Get control of your subscriptions at Show Notes: Links: SiriusXM buys Conan O'Brien's podcast and media company on engadget Apple sets new deadline for in-app account deletion requirement on 9-to-5 Mac Guests: Mark Fuccio is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through Twitter on LinkedIn. Jeff Gamet is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on Twitter and Instagram, and jeffgamet on LinkedIn., and on his YouTube Channel at David Ginsburg is the host of the weekly podcast In Touch With iOS where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at and find and follow him on Twitter @daveg65. Andrew Orr is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at AppleInsider. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him on Twitter or sample his musical tastes on Apple Music…if you dare. Frank Petrie is an author and contributor to ScreenCastsOnline Magazine. Follow him on Twitter and check out his web site, Jim Rea has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at and via @provuejim on Twitter. Support: Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with PayPal Connect: Web: Twitter: Facebook: MacVoices Page on Facebook: MacVoices Group on Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Subscribe: Audio in iTunes Video in iTunes Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher: Audio: Video:

Direct download: MV22128.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:58pm EST

<p>This MacVoices Live! panel starts out by commenting on Tim Cook being named to TIME’s list of the most influential people of 2022, and why this seemed to be a surprise to many. The panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner</strong>, <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, and <strong>Frank Petrie</strong> then turn their attention to speculating on what benefits any AR/VR headset might offer, then dig in to Conan O’Brien’s sale of his company to Sirius, and what it means in the world of podcasting. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="75" alt="Truebill" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-12334" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>MacVoices is supported by <strong>Truebill. </strong>Get control of your subscriptions at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">Tim Cook bags a spot on TIME's list of the most influential people of 2022</a></strong> on iMore</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>MacVoices #16056: CES – Move In Virtual Reality With Your Feet With 3DRudder</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">SiriusXM buys Conan O'Brien's podcast and media company</a></strong>on engadget</p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at <strong><a href="">AppleInsider</a></strong>. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a> or sample his musical tastes on <a href=""><strong>Apple Music</strong></a>…if you dare.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.<br /><br /></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV22127.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:14pm EST

<p>In the first installment of MacVoices: Select Tech, Chuck explains what to expect from this new series, and starts off by covering the <a href=""><strong>Anker PowerWave 2-In-1 Wireless Charging Stand</strong></a> and the <strong><a href="">White Noise</a></strong> app from TMSOFT. </p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">White Noise Lite</a> </strong>by TMSOFT</p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22126.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:03pm EST

<p>In his new update to <strong><a href="">Take Control of Your Digital Storage</a> </strong>from Take Control Books, <strong>Jeff Carlson</strong> adds to our understanding of how our mass storage devices interact and perform with macOS Big Sur, and how that differs from previous versions of the system software. From Thunderbolt 4 and USB4 to managing APFS volumes and questions over the snapshots, a great deal has changed. Jeff helps us understand what changes we need to make.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>Take Control Books</strong></a></p>
<p>Author and photographer <strong>Jeff Carlson</strong> (<strong><a href="">@jeffcarlson</a></strong>, is a columnist for the Seattle Times, a contributing editor at TidBITS (<strong><a href=""></a></strong>), and writes for publications such as<strong> <a href="">Macworld</a></strong> and <strong><a href="">Photographic Elements Techniques</a></strong>. He is the author of <strong><a href="">The Connected Apple Family</a></strong>,<strong> <a href="">The iPad for Photographers, Third Edition</a></strong>, <strong><a href="">iPad & iPhone Video: Film, Edit, and Share the Apple Way</a></strong>, and<strong> <a href="">Take Control of Your Digital Photos on the Mac</a></strong>, among many other books. He believes there's never enough coffee, and does his best to test that theory. You can find him podcasting about photography on both <a href=""><strong>PhotoActive</strong></a> and <strong><a href="">Photocombobulate</a></strong>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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Direct download: MV22125.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:48pm EST

<p>Only hours after Tim Cook wrapped up the keynote address for WWDC 2022, on a special night, the MacVoices Panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, </strong><strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, <strong>Brittany Smith</strong>, and <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> connected to discuss and debate the hardware and software announcements. From the new M2-equipped Macs to the new Lock Screen coming in iOS 16, the most important aspects of everything were reviewed. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="169" alt="MacVoices After Dark" class="size-medium wp-image-11534 aligncenter" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>MacVoices After Dark</strong></a>, our newest benefit for all Patreon supporters. Uncensored, off-topic, and always off the wall.</p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by The MacVoices Slack. Available to silver, gold, and platinum Patrons of MacVoices. Sign up at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the <strong><a href="">Daily Observations Podcast</a></strong> at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts <strong><a href="">I Want My M(CU) TV</a></strong>. You can also hear her on <a href=""><strong>The Aftershow</strong></a> with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22124.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:26pm EST

<p>Only hours after Tim Cook wrapped up the keynote address for WWDC 2022, on a special night, the MacVoices Panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, </strong><strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, <strong>Brittany Smith</strong>, and <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> connected to discuss and debate the hardware and software announcements. From the new M2-equilpped Macs to the new Lock Screen coming in iOS 16, the most important aspects of everything were reviewed. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="152" alt="MacVoices Slack" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-12150" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by The MacVoices Slack. Available to silver, gold, and platinum Patrons of MacVoices. Sign up at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the <strong><a href="">Daily Observations Podcast</a></strong> at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts <strong><a href="">I Want My M(CU) TV</a></strong>. You can also hear her on <a href=""><strong>The Aftershow</strong></a> with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22123.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:07pm EST

<p>It is high school and college graduation season, so the MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Mark Fuccio, Jeff Gamet, Warren Sklar, </strong>and <strong>Jim Rea</strong> share some of their hard-earned advice from their wide and varied careers. From experiences to work life balance, tech to non-tech, find out what the panel feels is most important for successful lives and careers. (Part 3) </p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing.</p>
<p><br /><img height="72" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" src="" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" class="alignnone" /></p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22122.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:26pm EST

<p>It is high school and college graduation season, so the MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Mark Fuccio Jeff Gamet, Warren Sklar, Jim Rea</strong>, and <strong>Brittany Smith</strong> share some of their hard-earned advice from their wide and varied careers. From experiences to work life balance, tech to non-tech, find out what the panel feels is most important for successful lives and careers. (Part 2) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="169" alt="MacVoices After Dark" class="size-medium wp-image-11534 aligncenter" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>MacVoices After Dark</strong></a>, our newest benefit for all Patreon supporters. Uncensored, off-topic, and always off the wall.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
<p>     Web:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Twitter:<br />     <a href=""></a><br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     LinkedIn:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Instagram:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV22121.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:23pm EST

<p>It is high school and college graduation season, so the MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Mark Fuccio Jeff Gamet, Warren Sklar, and Jim Rea</strong> share some of their hard-earned advice from their wide and varied careers. From experiences to work life balance, tech to non-tech, find out what the panel feels is most important for successful lives and careers. (Part 1) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="169" alt="MacVoices After Dark" class="size-medium wp-image-11534 aligncenter" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>MacVoices After Dark</strong></a>, our newest benefit for all Patreon supporters. Uncensored, off-topic, and always off the wall.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.</p>
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Direct download: MV22120.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:24pm EST

<p>This MacVoices Live! discussion starts of with Chuck's apology to DuckDuckGo relating to a widely reported user tracking issue, then turns a wide variety of topics that include the Touch Bar vs. the Stream Deck, ads intruding on ad-free Apple Music playlists, and Twitter being fined. Next up,<strong> Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Brittany Smith, Frank Petrie, Jeff Gamet, Jim Rea, Mark Fuccio, Andrew Orr, </strong>and <strong>Kelly Guimont </strong>covered iOS evolution, the importance of hardware and software roadmaps to developers and users, as well as why specific timelines aren’t realistic.</p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing. <img height="72" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" src="" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" class="alignnone" /></p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">Reddit post by DuckDuckGo CEO & Founder re: Alleged Microsoft Trackers</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Elgato Stream Deck - Live Content Creation Controller with 15 Customizable LCD Keys, Adjustable Stand</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Three hardware features Apple needs to trash forever</a> </strong>by Dan Moren on Macworld</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>A year with the Elgato Stream Deck</strong></a> by Jason Snell on Six Colors</p>
<p><strong><a href="">Better Touch Tool</a></strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Apple should not be injecting ads in its Apple Music playlists</a> </strong>on AppleInsider</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Twitter to pay $150 million penalty for allegedly breaking its privacy promises – again</strong></a> - Federal Trade Commission website</p>
<p><strong><a href="">How iOS customization has evolved over time</a></strong> by Andrew Orr on Apple Insider</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>When is it Time for a New Smartphone? on The Tech Photo Guy</strong></a> (Kelly’s appearance) </p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She hosts the <strong><a href="">Daily Observations Podcast</a></strong> at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>, and appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts <strong><a href="">I Want My M(CU) TV</a></strong>. You can also hear her on <a href=""><strong>The Aftershow</strong></a> with Mike Rose, and she still has more to say which she saves for <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at <strong><a href="">AppleInsider</a></strong>. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a> or sample his musical tastes on <a href=""><strong>Apple Music</strong></a>…if you dare.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a trained cognitive neuroscientist who provides ADD/ADHD, technology, and productivity coaching through her business, <strong><a href="“”">Devise and Conquer</a></strong>, along with companion <strong><a href="“”">video courses</a> </strong>for folks with ADHD. She’s also the cofounder of <strong><a href="“”">The ADHD Guild</a></strong>, a community for nerdy folks with ADHD. She, herself, is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”. She can be found on Twitter as <strong><a href="“”">@addliberator</a></strong> and on <strong><a href="“”">YouTube with tech tips</a></strong>.</p>
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Direct download: MV22119.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:12pm EST

<p>The MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Warren Sklar, Frank Petrie, </strong>and <strong>Guy Serle </strong>finish up this session by discussing how databases seem to have disappeared from the various office suites and why. One PC user’s conversation to the Mac because of the availability of a particular database program sparked the conversation. (Part 3) <br />[embed][/embed]</p>
<p><a href=""><img height="108" alt="" class=" wp-image-12535 aligncenter" src="" width="245" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Zocdoc</strong>. Find local doctors who take your insurance at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong><a href="">After 40 years of PCs, here’s the simple reason why I finally switched to Mac</a> </strong>on Macworld</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Ninox Database</strong></a><br /><br /></p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.<br /><br /><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Guy Serle,</strong> best known for being one of the co-hosts of the<strong> <a href="">MyMac Podcast</a></strong>, sincerely apologizes for anything he has done or caused to have happened while in possession of dangerous podcasting equipment. He should know better but being a blonde from Florida means he's probably incapable of understanding the damage he has wrought. Guy is also the author of the novel,<strong> <a href="">The Maltese Cube</a></strong>. You can follow his exploits on <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">Twitter</a>, catch him on <a href=""><strong>Mac to the Future</strong></a> on Facebook, and find everything at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.<br /><br /><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
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Direct download: MV22118.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:47pm EST

<p><strong>Chuck Joiner, David Ginsburg, Warren Sklar, Frank Petrie, </strong>and <strong>Guy Serle </strong>continue the discussion of the challenges, benefits, and balances needed for returning to the office, something Apple and so many others are struggling with. Then, we look back on the iPod and what it meant to all of us in our personal tech journey. Music accessibility is the obvious ones, but there are other things that the iPod blazed the trail on. (Part 2) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="108" alt="" class=" wp-image-12535 aligncenter" src="" width="245" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Zocdoc</strong>. Find local doctors who take your insurance at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><a href=""><strong>Apple's Director of Machine Learning Resigns Due to Return to Office Work</strong></a> on AppleInsider </p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Apple discontinues iPod touch, ending 20 year run of iconic ‘iPod’ brand</strong></a> on 9to5Mac<br /><br /></p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.<br /><br /><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Guy Serle,</strong> best known for being one of the co-hosts of the<strong> <a href="">MyMac Podcast</a></strong>, sincerely apologizes for anything he has done or caused to have happened while in possession of dangerous podcasting equipment. He should know better but being a blonde from Florida means he's probably incapable of understanding the damage he has wrought. Guy is also the author of the novel,<strong> <a href="">The Maltese Cube</a></strong>. You can follow his exploits on <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">Twitter</a>, catch him on <a href=""><strong>Mac to the Future</strong></a> on Facebook, and find everything at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.<br /><br /><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
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Direct download: MV22117.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:45pm EST