The talk of the Apple community

<p>The MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Jay Miller</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Dave Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Mike Schmitz</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, and <strong>Mark Fuccio </strong>wrap up their discussion of the medical features and capabilities of the Apple Watch, address the on- and off- nature of Apple’s possible presence at the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show, and the scheduling of Virtual Macstock 2021. (Part 3) </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><img height="73" style="border: 0pt none;" border="0" src="" alt="Smile" width="303" class="aligncenter" align="middle" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of TextExpander. Find out more at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>Conduit</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or checkout his web site at <a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. He is also President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Schmitz</strong> is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for <strong><a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">The Sweet Setup</a></strong>, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of <a href=""><strong>FaithBasedProductivity</strong></a>, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of <strong><a href="">Thou Shalt Hustle</a></strong>. He is also the co-host of the <a href=""><strong>Bookworm</strong></a> podcast and (probably) spends too much time on <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>. You can find all his projects on his personal web site, <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. Follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>@_MikeSchmitz</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Virtual Macstock 2021</strong></a></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV21142.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:31pm EST

<p>Our MacVoices Live! discussion of Apple’s quarterly financial results continues as we look at the subscription revenue numbers, their implications, and how they are (or are not) calculated. We then start to examine how the Apple Watch’s health monitoring capabilities are being used, what it can and can’t do (at least right now), and where that fits in the strategy going forward. The panel of <strong>Jay Miller</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Dave Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Mike Schmitz</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, and <strong>Mark Fuccio </strong>offer their thoughts and some personal experiences. (Part 2) </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><img height="73" style="border: 0pt none;" border="0" src="" alt="Smile" width="303" class="aligncenter" align="middle" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of TextExpander. Find out more at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>Conduit</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or checkout his web site at <a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. He is also President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Schmitz</strong> is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for <strong><a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">The Sweet Setup</a></strong>, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of <a href=""><strong>FaithBasedProductivity</strong></a>, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of <strong><a href="">Thou Shalt Hustle</a></strong>. He is also the co-host of the <a href=""><strong>Bookworm</strong></a> podcast and (probably) spends too much time on <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>. You can find all his projects on his personal web site, <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. Follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>@_MikeSchmitz</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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Direct download: MV21141.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:57pm EST

<p>Our MacVoices Live! discussion of Apple’s quarterly financial results took some decidedly offbeat turns. In Part 1, we touch on what effect stimulus money might have had on those results, how the continued changes to employment and work from home initiatives may have influenced things, and where that might go in the future. The panel of <strong>Jay Miller</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Dave Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Mike Schmitz</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, and <strong>Mark Fuccio </strong>wrap up with the question of supply chain challenges for both Apple and the entire PC industry in the future. (Part 1) </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><img height="73" style="border: 0pt none;" border="0" src="" alt="Smile" width="303" class="aligncenter" align="middle" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of world-class software like TextExpander. Find out more at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>Conduit</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or checkout his web site at <a href=""><strong></strong></a><strong>.</strong></p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. He is also President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mike Schmitz</strong> is an Apple fanboy, coffee snob, and productivity junkie who is intent on teaching people how to be more productive. His newest effort is He is the Executive Editor for <strong><a style="font-size: 13px;" href="">The Sweet Setup</a></strong>, a site dedicated to reviewing and recommending the very best Mac and iOS apps, and is the creator of <a href=""><strong>FaithBasedProductivity</strong></a>, where he teaches his personal approach to getting more done. Mike lives in Wisconsin with his wife and 4 crazy boys and is the author of <strong><a href="">Thou Shalt Hustle</a></strong>. He is also the co-host of the <a href=""><strong>Bookworm</strong></a> podcast and (probably) spends too much time on <strong><a href="">Twitter</a></strong>. You can find all his projects on his personal web site, <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, including his new podcast with his wife Rachel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>. Follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>@_MikeSchmitz</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV21140.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

<p>In a brief Update for July 2021, Chuck talks about MacVoices Live!, the many assets that MacVoices Offers, and provides the month’s Support Report.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br/>     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br/>     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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Direct download: MV21139.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:40pm EST

<p>The last part of this MacVoices Live! session focused on the acquisition of the podcast client Pocket Casts by Automatic, the makers of WordPress. What opportunities this might present for content creators and podcasters are considered by <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>,and <strong>Brittany Smith</strong>. The panel then identify their podcast clients of choice and why they chose them. (Part 3) </p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noopener"><img height="73" style="border: 0pt none;" border="0" src="" alt="Smile" width="303" class="aligncenter" align="middle" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is sponsored by Smile, the makers of world-class software TextExpander. Find out more at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. He is also President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Read what he writes at <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, and follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, <strong><a href="">Devise and Conquer</a></strong> that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”, and holds a M.S. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. She can be found on Twitter as<strong> <a href="">@addliberator</a></strong>. Check out her latest project, a <a href=""><strong>YouTube channel of tech tips</strong></a>.</p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Pocket Casts</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Overcast</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Downcast</strong></a></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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Direct download: MV21138.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:31pm EST

<p>We finish up our discussion of streaming video interfaces before the MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>David Ginsburg </strong>and <strong>Brittany Smith </strong>take on the topic of the Pegasus malware, why you probably aren’t a target, and how the media has mis-represented the iPhone/Android aspects of the story. (Part 2) </p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing. <img height="72" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" src="" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" class="alignnone" /></p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>., and on his <strong><a href="">YouTube Channel at</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. He is also President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Read what he writes at <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, and follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, <strong><a href="">Devise and Conquer</a></strong> that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”, and holds a M.S. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. She can be found on Twitter as<strong> <a href="">@addliberator</a></strong>. Check out her latest project, a <a href=""><strong>YouTube channel of tech tips</strong></a>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21137.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:46pm EST

<p>The MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Brittany Smith</strong>, <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, and <strong>Frank Petrie</strong> start a conversation based on their experiences with the interfaces of the streaming media options out there. Xfinity, Amazon Fire TV, Roku, and Apple TV all go under the microscope as we express our frustrations and thoughts on how they can improve. (Part 1)</p>
<p><a href=""><img height="169" alt="MacVoices After Dark" class="size-medium wp-image-11534 aligncenter" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>MacVoices After Dark</strong></a>, our newest benefit for all Patreon supporters. Uncensored, off-topic, and always off the wall.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. He is also President of the Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, <strong><a href="">Devise and Conquer</a></strong> that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”, and holds a M.S. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. She can be found on Twitter as<strong> <a href="">@addliberator</a></strong>. Check out her latest project, a <a href=""><strong>YouTube channel of tech tips</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Read what he writes at <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, and follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <strong><a href="">@provuejim</a></strong> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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Direct download: MV21136.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:19pm EST

<p>The third and final part of our MacVoices Live! session with the <a href=""><strong>MacinTech</strong></a> Mac User Group in Colorado, with <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> and <strong>Apple Consultant Mark Stevenson</strong> focuses on why Mark bought a new M1 iMac and what he is telling his clients who are in the market for a new Mac. We wrap up by taking questions from the group. (Part 3)</p>
<p> <a href=""><img height="61" alt="Upstart" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-11758" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>Today's MacVoices is sponsored by <strong>Upstart</strong>. Fair and fast personal loans. Go to <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find out how Upstart can lower your monthly payments.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Stevenson</strong> has been an active member of MacinTech, a Mac user group in the South Denver area, for many years.   Since 2009 Mark has been an independent computer consultant in the Denver area, supporting small business and individuals. He was an Apple Solutions Consultant from 2001-2009 at CompUSA, and then Best Buy. Mark has a long and varied background in the IT industry, with experiences in the software, service bureau, contract programming, and insurance industries. He is a regular presenter at MacinTech meetings on a variety of current Apple related topics and/or products.  </p>
<p><strong><a href="">Plugable USB C Hub Multiport Adapter, 7-in-1 Hub</a></strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="">USB C Adapter (2 Pack), Anker USB C to USB Adapter</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Amazon Basics Micro USB (Female) to USB-C (Male) Adapter - White, 4-Pack </strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">[4 Pack] Suripow for AirTag Case, Anti-Lost for AirTags Case Compatible with AirTag Keychain Key Ring ($7.99)</a></strong></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21135.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:38pm EST

<p>The second part of our visit to the <a href=""><strong>MacinTech</strong></a> Mac User Group in Colorado, with <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> and <strong>Apple Consultant Mark Stevenson</strong> turns to a discussion of whether to buy high or low on the product scale, and the panel’s experiences with Apple’s AirTags. (Part 2) </p>
<p><a href=""><img height="61" alt="Upstart" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-11758" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>Today's MacVoices is sponsored by <strong>Upstart</strong>. Fair and fast personal loans. Go to <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find out how Upstart can lower your monthly payments.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Stevenson</strong> has been an active member of MacinTech, a Mac user group in the South Denver area, for many years.   Since 2009 Mark has been an independent computer consultant in the Denver area, supporting small business and individuals. He was an Apple Solutions Consultant from 2001-2009 at CompUSA, and then Best Buy. Mark has a long and varied background in the IT industry, with experiences in the software, service bureau, contract programming, and insurance industries. He is a regular presenter at MacinTech meetings on a variety of current Apple related topics and/or products.  </p>
<p><strong><a href="">Plugable USB C Hub Multiport Adapter, 7-in-1 Hub</a></strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="">USB C Adapter (2 Pack), Anker USB C to USB Adapter</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Amazon Basics Micro USB (Female) to USB-C (Male) Adapter - White, 4-Pack </strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">[4 Pack] Suripow for AirTag Case, Anti-Lost for AirTags Case Compatible with AirTag Keychain Key Ring ($7.99)</a></strong></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21134.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:53pm EST

<p>MacVoices Live! takes a virtual trip to the <a href=""><strong>MacinTech</strong></a> Mac User Group in Colordo, with <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> and <strong>Apple Consultant Mark Stevenson</strong> to discuss what Apple gear to buy and what configurations are recommended. We start out sharing with what new Apple tech the panel has already invested in and what they are considering. (Part 1)</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Stevenson</strong> has been an active member of MacinTech, a Mac user group in the South Denver area, for many years.   Since 2009 Mark has been an independent computer consultant in the Denver area, supporting small business and individuals. He was an Apple Solutions Consultant from 2001-2009 at CompUSA, and then Best Buy. Mark has a long and varied background in the IT industry, with experiences in the software, service bureau, contract programming, and insurance industries. He is a regular presenter at MacinTech meetings on a variety of current Apple related topics and/or products.  </p>
<p><strong><a href="">Plugable USB C Hub Multiport Adapter, 7-in-1 Hub</a></strong></p>
<p><strong><a href="">USB C Adapter (2 Pack), Anker USB C to USB Adapter</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Amazon Basics Micro USB (Female) to USB-C (Male) Adapter - White, 4-Pack </strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">[4 Pack] Suripow for AirTag Case, Anti-Lost for AirTags Case Compatible with AirTag Keychain Key Ring ($7.99)</a></strong></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     LinkedIn:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Instagram:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>
<p> </p>

Direct download: MV21133.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:02pm EST

<p>Our MacVoices Live! discussion of the Western Digital situation wraps up, and transitions into an examination of the Audicity information gathering change, and whether the Internet over-reacted. The panel of <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Guy Serle</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Brittany Smith, Jim Rea,</strong> and <strong>Jay Miller</strong> finish up with some brief comments on Smile’s sale of PDFpen to Nitro. (Part 2)</p>
<p><a href=""><img height="169" alt="MacVoices After Dark" class="size-medium wp-image-11534 aligncenter" src="" width="300" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <a href=""><strong>MacVoices After Dark</strong></a>, our newest benefit for all Patreon supporters. Uncensored, off-topic, and always off the wall.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a longtime Apple geek, sitting down (on a telephone book) in front of an Apple IIe in 1983. She can still hear the ticking of the ImageWriter. Thanks to the miracle of the adjustable leg desk, she no longer needs the phonebook. Kelly writes for <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, is the host of the <a href=""><strong>Daily Observations Podcast</strong></a>, is co-host of<strong> <a href="">The Aftershow</a></strong>, and yet still has more to say which she saves for <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a>. </p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Guy Serle,</strong> best known for being one of the co-hosts of the<strong> <a href="">MyMac Podcast</a></strong>, sincerely apologizes for anything he has done or caused to have happened while in possession of dangerous podcasting equipment. He should know better but being a blonde from Florida means he's probably incapable of understanding the damage he has wrought. Guy is also the author of the novel,<strong> <a href="">The Maltese Cube</a></strong>. You can follow his exploits on <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">Twitter</a>, catch him on <a href=""><strong>Mac to the Future</strong></a> on Facebook, and find everything at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <a href=""><strong>@provuejim</strong></a> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Read what he writes at <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, and follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, <strong><a href="">Devise and Conquer</a></strong> that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”, and holds a M.S. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. She can be found on Twitter as<strong> <a href="">@addliberator</a></strong>. Check out her latest project, a <a href=""><strong>YouTube channel of tech tips</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>Conduit</strong></a> and  <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or checkout his web site at <a href=""><strong> </strong></a></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21132.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:49pm EST

<p>MacVoices Live! is back from vacation and catching up on some of the news that was worth our attention. This time, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Kelly Guimont</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Guy Serle</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Mark Fuccio</strong>, <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, <strong>Brittany Smith</strong>, and <strong>Jay Miller</strong> discuss and debate the Western Digital hack where owners of certain cloud-enabled devices lost their data. Was their negligence on the part of Western Digital? How long should an equipment manufacturer be obligated to maintain a product? The panel looks at the situation. (Part 1) </p>

<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing. <img height="72" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" src="" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" class="alignnone" /></p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a longtime Apple geek, sitting down (on a telephone book) in front of an Apple IIe in 1983. She can still hear the ticking of the ImageWriter. Thanks to the miracle of the adjustable leg desk, she no longer needs the phonebook. Kelly writes for <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, is the host of the <a href=""><strong>Daily Observations Podcast</strong></a>, is co-host of<strong> <a href="">The Aftershow</a></strong>, and yet still has more to say which she saves for <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a>. </p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Guy Serle,</strong> best known for being one of the co-hosts of the<strong> <a href="">MyMac Podcast</a></strong>, sincerely apologizes for anything he has done or caused to have happened while in possession of dangerous podcasting equipment. He should know better but being a blonde from Florida means he's probably incapable of understanding the damage he has wrought. Guy is also the author of the novel,<strong> <a href="">The Maltese Cube</a></strong>. You can follow his exploits on <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">Twitter</a>, catch him on <a href=""><strong>Mac to the Future</strong></a> on Facebook, and find everything at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Mark Fuccio</strong> is actively involved in high tech startup companies, both as a principle at, or as a marketing advisor through his consulting practice Tactics Sells High Tech, Inc. Mark was a proud investor in Microsoft from the mid-1990's selling in mid 2000, and hopes one day that MSFT will be again an attractive investment. You can contact Mark through <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Read what he writes at <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, and follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Brittany Smith</strong> is a cognitive neuroscientist who provides a variety of consulting services through her business, <strong><a href="">Devise and Conquer</a></strong> that includes ADD/ADHD coaching, technology coaching, productivity consulting, and more. She is a self-designated “well-rounded geek”, and holds a M.S. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience. She can be found on Twitter as<strong> <a href="">@addliberator</a></strong>. Check out her latest project, a <a href=""><strong>YouTube channel of tech tips</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community.Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>Conduit</strong></a> and  <a href=""><strong></strong></a> or checkout his web site at <a href=""><strong> </strong></a></p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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Direct download: MV21131.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:34pm EST

After taking a little time off, host Chuck Joiner is back with some observations and tips on traveling in a post-lockdown world, and why your iPhone is more important than ever. Show Notes: Links: The TravelCard credit-card sized rechargeable battery OpenTable Support: Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with PayPal Connect: Web: Twitter: Facebook: MacVoices Page on Facebook: MacVoices Group on Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Subscribe: Audio in iTunes Video in iTunes Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher: Audio: Video:

Direct download: MV21130.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:23pm EST

<p>The MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Jay Miller</strong>, and <strong>Kelly Guimont </strong>wraps up this session with their impressions of the new Safari beta that is expected to be standard in macOS Monterey. Find out what works, what doesn’t, and why you may want to give it a try before deciding. (Part 3)</p>
<p><img height="150" alt="MacVoices Support" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-10894" src="" width="300" /></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by you, our viewers and listeners. Find out about all the ways you can support the show, including our <a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>PayPal</strong></a> options, at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg</strong> is the President of the<strong> <a href="">Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group</a></strong>, and is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Find and follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>@daveg65</strong></a>. You can also hear him share his knowledge on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <a href=""><strong>@provuejim</strong></a> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community. Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>The PIT Show</strong></a>, visit his web site at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, and follow him on Twitter as <strong><a href="">@kjaymiller</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a longtime Apple geek, sitting down (on a telephone book) in front of an Apple IIe in 1983. She can still hear the ticking of the ImageWriter. Thanks to the miracle of the adjustable leg desk, she no longer needs the phonebook. Kelly writes for <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, is the host of the <a href=""><strong>Daily Observations Podcast</strong></a>, is co-host of<strong> <a href="">The Aftershow</a></strong>, and yet still has more to say which she saves for <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a>. </p>
<p><a href=""><strong>ZUGU Case for 2021/2020 iPad Pro 11 inch</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Protective Case Compatible for Apple AirTag, GPS Tracking Dog Cat Collar Accessory</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>ZAGG InvisibleShield Glass Plus - Tempered Glass Screen Protector Made For the Apple iPad Pro 11 Inch</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Anker Wireless Charger, PowerWave Stand, Qi-Certified</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Blink Outdoor - wireless, weather-resistant HD security camera</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>The Camelizer</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Slickdeals</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>DealNews</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Apple Magic Keyboard (for 12.9-inch iPad Pro - 5th Generation)</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Logitech Combo Touch iPad Pro 11"</strong></a><br /><br /><strong><a href="">Another person accidentally swallows an AirPod, still works after being ‘retrieved'</a> </strong>- 9to5Mac</p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21129.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:30pm EST

<p>Our Amazon Prime Day conversation wraps up and then the MacVoices Live! panel of <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Jay Miller</strong>, and <strong>Kelly Guimont </strong>discuss finding out how many apps you really use on your iPad. All those pages and pages of apps, but do you really use them? Consumption or productivity? At least one panel member was surprised by the answer. (Part 2) </p>
<p><img height="150" alt="MacVoices Support" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-10894" src="" width="300" /></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by you, our viewers and listeners. Find out about all the ways you can support the show, including our <a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>PayPal</strong></a> options, at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg</strong> is the President of the<strong> <a href="">Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group</a></strong>, and is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Find and follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>@daveg65</strong></a>. You can also hear him share his knowledge on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <a href=""><strong>@provuejim</strong></a> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community. Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>The PIT Show</strong></a>, visit his web site at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, and follow him on Twitter as <strong><a href="">@kjaymiller</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a longtime Apple geek, sitting down (on a telephone book) in front of an Apple IIe in 1983. She can still hear the ticking of the ImageWriter. Thanks to the miracle of the adjustable leg desk, she no longer needs the phonebook. Kelly writes for <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, is the host of the <a href=""><strong>Daily Observations Podcast</strong></a>, is co-host of<strong> <a href="">The Aftershow</a></strong>, and yet still has more to say which she saves for <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a>. </p>
<p><a href=""><strong>ZUGU Case for 2021/2020 iPad Pro 11 inch</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Protective Case Compatible for Apple AirTag, GPS Tracking Dog Cat Collar Accessory</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>ZAGG InvisibleShield Glass Plus - Tempered Glass Screen Protector Made For the Apple iPad Pro 11 Inch</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Anker Wireless Charger, PowerWave Stand, Qi-Certified</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Blink Outdoor - wireless, weather-resistant HD security camera</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>The Camelizer</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Slickdeals</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>DealNews</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Apple Magic Keyboard (for 12.9-inch iPad Pro - 5th Generation)</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Logitech Combo Touch iPad Pro 11"</strong></a><br /><br /><strong><a href="">Another person accidentally swallows an AirPod, still works after being ‘retrieved'</a> </strong>- 9to5Mac</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     MacVoices Group on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21128.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:50pm EST

<p>On an open-mic edition of MacVoices Live!, the panel of <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong>, <strong>Frank Petrie</strong>, <strong>Jim Rea</strong>, <strong>Warren Sklar</strong>, <strong>Jay Miller</strong>, and <strong>Kelly Guimont </strong>talk about what they acquired on Amazon Prime Day and why you might want to consider their purchases for yourself. (1)</p>
<p> <img height="150" alt="MacVoices Support" class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-10894" src="" width="300" /></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by you, our viewers and listeners. Find out about all the ways you can support the show, including our <a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>PayPal</strong></a> options, at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg</strong> is the President of the<strong> <a href="">Suburban Chicago Apple Users Group</a></strong>, and is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Find and follow him on Twitter as <a href=""><strong>@daveg65</strong></a>. You can also hear him share his knowledge on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Frank Petrie</strong> is an author and contributor to <a href=""><strong>ScreenCastsOnline Magazine</strong></a>. Follow him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and check out his web site, <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <a href=""><strong>@provuejim</strong></a> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Warren Sklar</strong> helps host the <strong><a href="">Mac to The Future Group</a> </strong>on Facebook, and is the co-host of <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> with <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Jay Miller </strong>is a Developer Advocate and Podcaster based in San Diego, Ca. A multipotentialite, Jay enjoys finding unique ways to merge his fascination with productivity, automation, and development to create tools and content to serve the tech community. Hear him on his podcast, <a href=""><strong>The PIT Show</strong></a>, visit his web site at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>, and follow him on Twitter as <strong><a href="">@kjaymiller</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Kelly Guimont</strong> is a longtime Apple geek, sitting down (on a telephone book) in front of an Apple IIe in 1983. She can still hear the ticking of the ImageWriter. Thanks to the miracle of the adjustable leg desk, she no longer needs the phonebook. Kelly writes for <a href=""><strong>The Mac Observer</strong></a>, is the host of the <a href=""><strong>Daily Observations Podcast</strong></a>, is co-host of<strong> <a href="">The Aftershow</a></strong>, and yet still has more to say which she saves for <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong></strong></a>. </p>
<p><a href=""><strong>ZUGU Case for 2021/2020 iPad Pro 11 inch</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Protective Case Compatible for Apple AirTag, GPS Tracking Dog Cat Collar Accessory</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>ZAGG InvisibleShield Glass Plus - Tempered Glass Screen Protector Made For the Apple iPad Pro 11 Inch</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Anker Wireless Charger, PowerWave Stand, Qi-Certified</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Blink Outdoor - wireless, weather-resistant HD security camera</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>The Camelizer</strong></a></p>
<p><strong><a href="">Slickdeals</a></strong></p>
<p><a href=""><strong></strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>DealNews</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Apple Magic Keyboard (for 12.9-inch iPad Pro - 5th Generation)</strong></a></p>
<p><a href=""><strong>Logitech Combo Touch iPad Pro 11"</strong></a><br /><br /><a href="">Another person accidentally swallows an AirPod, still works after being ‘retrieved'</a> - 9to5Mac</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
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Direct download: MV21127.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:42pm EST

<p><strong>Angel Vu</strong>, the Product Manager for <a href=""><strong>PDFpen</strong></a> and PDFpen Pro from <strong><a href="">Smile</a></strong>, joins us to talk about version 13 of their PDF productivity utility. From a new icon to a a refined interface that gives easier access to the editing tools to new compression options, Angel gives us the tour of this must-have upgrade. </p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing.
<img class="alignnone" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" src="" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" height="72" border="0" /></p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<strong>Angel Vu</strong> is the Product Manager for PDFpen and PDFpen Pro.
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br/>     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br/>     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21126.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:30am EST

<p>The second part of our MacVoices Live! visit to the <strong><a href="">Silicon Valley Mac User Group</a> </strong>with panel members <strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> and <strong>Jim Rea </strong>continued the discussions of Apple’s WWDC announcements and took audience questions and comments from the group.</p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by you, our viewers and listeners. Find out about all the ways you can support the show, including our <a href=""><strong>Patreon</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>PayPal</strong></a> options, at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Jim Rea</strong> has been an independent Mac developer continuously since 1984. He is the founder of ProVUE Development, and the author of Panorama X, ProVUE's ultra fast RAM based database software for the macOS platform. Follow Jim at <a href=""><strong></strong></a> and via <a href=""><strong>@provuejim</strong></a> on Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>Jeff Gamet</strong> is a technology blogger, podcaster, author, and public speaker. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s Managing Editor, and the TextExpander Evangelist for Smile. He has presented at Macworld Expo, RSA Conference, several WordCamp events, along with many other conferences. You can find him on several podcasts such as The Mac Show, The Big Show, MacVoices, Mac OS Ken, This Week in iOS, and more. Jeff is easy to find on social media as @jgamet on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> and <a href=""><strong>Instagram</strong></a>, and jeffgamet on <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p>     Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
<p>     Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with <a href="">PayPal</a></p>
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<p>     MacVoices Page on Facebook:<br />     <a href=""></a></p>
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<p><strong>     </strong><a href="">Audio in iTunes</a><br />     <a href="">Video in iTunes</a></p>
<p>     Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher:</p>
<p>     Audio: <a href=""></a> <br />     Video: <a href=""></a></p>

Direct download: MV21125.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:04am EST