The talk of the Apple community

Twenty years of Take Control Books deserves a reunion, and we’ve got it. Current publisher Joe Kissell and Take Control Co-Founders Adam and Tonya Engst organized a get-together that featured the star-studded roster of Jeff CarlsonJosh CentersMichael E. CohenLea GalanterScott KnasterTed LandauKirk McElhearnMatt Neuburg, and Jeff Porten to discuss how they became involved in Take Control and  how it differed from other publishing houses. (Part 1) 

Show Notes:


0:00:00 Introduction to Mac Voices and Take Control Week
0:02:26 Jeff Carlson talks about his Take Control books and logo design
0:04:11 Introductions and Book Projects
0:05:14 The Beginnings of the Take Control Series
0:05:41 From Publishing to Writing Books on Macs
0:07:02 A Trip Down Memory Lane with Take Control Books
0:11:21 Tonya's Role as Editor-in-Chief and Collaboration with Authors
0:13:24 Discussion on the Origins and Key Aspects of Take Control
0:19:03 The Thrill of eBooks and All-Digital Reading
0:21:24 Influence of Tonya's Writing Style and the Evolution of Chapter Titles
0:23:37 The editing process and the need for brevity
0:26:11 Writing directly into final layout for a better publishing experience



  • Jeff Carlson
  • Josh Centers
  • Michael E. Cohen
  • Adam Engst
  • Tonya Engst
  • Lea Galanter
  • Joe Kissell
  • Scott Knaster
  • Ted Landau
  • Kirk McElhearn
  • Matt Neuburg
  • Jeff Porten


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00:00:00 Introduction to Take Control Authors Panel 00:02:26 0:02:26 Jeff Carlson talks about his Take Control books and logo design 00:04:10 0:04:11 Introductions and Book Projects 00:05:14 The Beginnings of the Take Control Series 00:05:41 From Publishing to Writing Books on Macs 00:07:01 A Trip Down Memory Lane with Take Control Books 00:09:01 Introduction and Origins of Take Control 00:12:07 Transition to a Different Field and Current Work at Cornell 00:13:24 Discussion on the Origins and Key Aspects of Take Control 00:19:03 The Thrill of eBooks and Digital Publishing 00:23:36 Learning the art of brevity in the editing process 00:26:11 Writing directly into final layout for a better publishing experience
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Category:podcasts -- posted at: 4:28pm EST