The talk of the Apple community

<p>In anticipation of Apple’s “Far Out” event, the MacVoices Live! panel of host <strong>Chuck Joiner</strong>, <strong>David Ginsburg</strong>, <strong>Web Bixby</strong>, <strong>Guy Serle</strong>, <strong>Andrew Orr</strong>, and <strong>Eric Bolden</strong> discuss what would encourage them to upgrade to the iPhone 14. From the expected camera improvements to a completely radical use case favored by one panel member, to the rumored satellite phone. (Part 1) </p>
<p><br /><a href=""><img height="108" alt="" class=" wp-image-12535 aligncenter" src="" width="245" /></a></p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is supported by <strong>Zocdoc</strong>. Find local doctors who take your insurance at <strong><a href=""></a></strong>.</p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>T‑Mobile Takes Coverage Above and Beyond With SpaceX</strong><br /><strong><a href=""></a></strong></p>
<p><strong>Web Bixby</strong> has been in the insurance business for 40 years and has been an Apple user for longer than that.You can catch up with him on <a href=""><strong>Facebook</strong></a>, <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a>, and <a href=""><strong>LinkedIn</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>Eric Bolden </strong>is into macOS, plants, sci-fi, food, and is a rural internet supporter. You can connect with him on <a href=""><strong>Twitter</strong></a> by email at, and on his blog, <a href=""><strong>Trending At Work</strong></a>.</p>
<p><strong>David Ginsburg </strong>is the host of the weekly podcast <a href=""><strong>In Touch With iOS</strong></a> where he discusses all things iOS, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, and related technologies. He is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users. Visit his YouTube channel at <strong><a href=""></a></strong> and find and follow him on Twitter <strong><a href="">@daveg65</a></strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Andrew Orr</strong> is a freelance writer and amateur photographer and Contributing Editor at <strong><a href="">AppleInsider</a></strong>. He loves Apple products and enjoys writing and sharing all things tech. When he's not writing about Apple, you can often find him snapping photos with his iPhone. Follow him <a href=""><strong>on Twitter</strong></a> or sample his musical tastes on <a href=""><strong>Apple Music</strong></a>…if you dare.</p>
<p><strong>Guy Serle,</strong> best known for being one of the co-hosts of the<strong> <a href="">MyMac Podcast</a></strong>, sincerely apologizes for anything he has done or caused to have happened while in possession of dangerous podcasting equipment. He should know better but being a blonde from Florida means he's probably incapable of understanding the damage he has wrought. Guy is also the author of the novel,<strong> <a href="">The Maltese Cube</a></strong>. You can follow his exploits on <a style="font-weight: bold;" href="">Twitter</a>, catch him on <a href=""><strong>Mac to the Future</strong></a> on Facebook, and find everything at <a href=""><strong></strong></a>.<br /><br /></p>
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Direct download: MV22180.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:10pm EST