<p>Our next conversation on <strong>The Road to <a href="http://macstockconferenceandexpo.com">Macstock</a></strong> we speak with <strong>Dr. Marty Jenicus</strong>, a new speaker at Macstock, about the use of AI in learning. Marty explains how AI can be utilized to create personalized learning schedules and resources for specific skills. We discuss the importance of educators embracing AI tools and the ethical responsibilities that come with it. The impact of AI on education and its broader implications are highlighted and will be included in Marty’s presentation at the conference.</p>
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<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p>0:00:26 Introducing Marty Jenicus, a new Macstock speaker<br />0:01:47 Marty's approach to Mike's topic of learning<br />0:03:18 The Challenge of Combining Chat GPT and Learning<br />0:04:34 Creating Personalized Learning Plans with ChatGPT<br />0:05:16 Building a Master List of AI Resources<br />0:06:44 The Controversy and Changing Role of Educators with AI<br />0:12:42 The multifaceted nature of the topic at hand<br />0:13:55 Teaching counselors about the safe use of AI systems<br />0:16:08 AI as a Reflection of Mental Health<br />0:17:26 Leaning Into Large Language Models<br />0:18:52 The Importance of Viewing Technology as a Tool<br />0:19:43 Introduction to Marty's Background and Early Involvement with Technology<br />0:21:04 Current Projects: Circular Firing Squad Podcast and Capturing Profession's History<br />0:22:41 Exploring Virtual Worlds and Technology Representation<br />0:23:52 Preserving History with Evolving Technology<br />0:24:48 COVID-19: Changing Technology and Comfort with Video Chat<br />0:27:31 Podcast and Membership-Only Videos on CircularFiringSquad.net<br />0:28:57 Join Macstock Conference: Virtually or In Person<strong><br /></strong></p>
<p><strong>Dr. Marty Jencius</strong> has been an Associate Professor of Counseling at Kent State University since 2000. He has over 120 publications in books, chapters, journal articles, and others, along with 200 podcasts related to counseling, counselor education, and faculty life. His technology interest led him to develop the counseling profession ‘firsts,’ including listservs, a web-based peer-reviewed journal, The Journal of Technology in Counseling, teaching and conferencing in virtual worlds as the founder of Counselor Education in Second Life, and podcast founder/producer of <strong><a href="http://counseloraudiosource.net/">CounselorAudioSource.net</a></strong> and ThePodTalk.net.<br /><br />Currently, he produces a podcast about counseling and life questions, the Circular Firing Squad, and digital video interviews with legacies capturing the history of the counseling field. Generally, Marty is chasing the newest tech trends, which explains his interest in A.I. for teaching, research, and productivity. Marty is an active presenter and past president of the NorthEast Ohio Apple Corp (NEOAC).</p>
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