<p>The first part of our MacVoices Live! discussion with <strong>Terri Morgan </strong>and <strong>Chris Demiris</strong> of <a href="https://luma-touch.com"><strong>Luma Touch</strong></a> starts with the newest features of LumaFusion, then veers off into questions of Apple Silicon Macs, touchscreen interfaces and what the ability to run apps on both the iPad and Mac platforms might mean for them. Chris then starts us on a demo of LumaFusion and how they are integrating with <strong><a href="https://frame.io">Frame.io</a></strong> to facilitate collaboration on video projects. (Part 1 of 2)</p>
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<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p><strong>Chris Demiris </strong>is Co-Founder and Principal Engineer at <a href="http://lumatouch.com"><strong>Luma Touch</strong></a><strong>. </strong>He is an expert at building new technologies into complete products, leading engineering teams to create quality results and integrating technologies to create complete, award-winning apps. Focused on video editing and video effects apps for iOS. Chris’ specialties include iOS native media and UI development, OpenGL, DirectX, 3D graphics for video processing, video effects, digital rights management, and 3D editing tool creation.</p>
<p><strong><br/>Terri Morgan</strong> is Co-Founder and Principle Designer at <a href="http://lumatouch.com"><strong>LumaTouch</strong></a>. She brings over 30 years of experience from the video industry to her passion for user experience and design. In 1988 Terri helped usher in the era of non-linear editing as a video editor at Alpha Cine Labs in Seattle. In 1995 she joined Lightworks in London, and became a Product Specialist, creating a powerful, multi-track editing system. In 2000, she founded a video editing and consulting business providing design and testing for Fast Multimedia and Pinnacle Systems. In 2007, Terri joined Avid as a Principal Product Designer where she led the product management and design of Pinnacle Studio for iPad and was honored with the Avid Achievement Award. Terri has received multiple awards for her editing work, including 3 Telly awards. She earned her BA in Visual Communications at The Evergreen State College, and her Professional Certificate in Human Centered Design and Engineering at the University of Washington.</p>
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