Mon, 24 June 2024
Another brand new stop on The Road to Macstock Conference and Expo is a conversation with Michael D.J. Eisenberg, The Tech-Savvy Lawyer. Michael discusses about how he became a dedicated Mac user, and how his talk will on insights into using artificial intelligence for automation tools like Hazel, AppleScript, TextExpander, and Microsoft Word. He also offers a tip or two from another passion: coffee. Visit Macstock Conference and Expo and use Michael's discount code, TECHSAVVYLAWYER, or the MacVoices discount code MACVOICES to save $30 on your registration fee. Today’s edition of MacVoices is supported by MacVoices Live!, our weekly live panel discussion of what is going in the Apple space as well as the larger tech world, and how it is impacting you. Join us live at at 8 PM Eastern 5 PM Pacific, or whatever time that is wherever you are and participate in the chat, or catch the edited and segmented versions of the show on the regular MacVoices channels and feeds. Chapters: 00:00 Introduction to MacVoices with Michael D.J. Eisenberg Guests: Michael D.J. Eisenberg is a solo practitioner based in Washington, DC, advocating for veterans, military members, and their families for nearly two decades. Michael has been helping lawyers and law offices utilize technology tools to promote efficiency and effectiveness for decades. He created the blog and podcast The Tech-Savvy Lawyer in 2019 to share that information and more with the world. Support: Become a MacVoices Patron on Patreon Enjoy this episode? Make a one-time donation with PayPal Connect: Web: Twitter: Mastodon: Facebook: MacVoices Page on Facebook: MacVoices Group on Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: Subscribe: Audio in iTunes Subscribe manually via iTunes or any podcatcher: Audio: |