<p>We conclude our wrap-up conversation with <strong>Mike Potter</strong> as the final entry in the 2023 <strong>Road to</strong> <a href="http://macstockconferenceandexpo.com"><strong>Macstock</strong></a> as Mike explains how the virtual ticket works, why it is combined with the digital pass for this year only, and all the details you need to take advantage of the conference even if you can’t be there inn person. (Part 2)</p>
<p>This edition of MacVoices is brought to you by the <strong>MacVoices Dispatch</strong>, our weekly newsletter that keeps you up-to-date on any and all MacVoices-related information. <a href="http://macvoices.com/newsletter/">Subscribe</a> today and don't miss a thing. <img height="72" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" border="0" src="http://www.macvoices.com/wp-content/uploads/MacVoices-Dispatch-header-for-newsletter-300.png" alt="MacVoices Dispatch" width="195" title="MacVoices Dispatch header for newsletter 300.png" class="alignnone" /></p>
<h3>Show Notes:</h3>
<p>0:00:26 Introducing MacVoices and the Road to Macstock 2023<br />0:02:05 Interacting with Attendees and Presenters in the Virtual Environment<br />0:04:00 Rare Tornado Hits O'Hare and Local Community<br />0:05:17 Physical Attendees: Check-in and Schedule Overview<br />0:06:01 Ensuring Timely Presentation for the First Speaker<br />0:07:02 Virtual Attendees: Early Live Stream Start and Technical Update<br />0:09:48 Digital Pass and Recordings Included in this Year's Conference<br />0:10:33 Ensuring the Best Experience with Free Recordings for Attendees<br />0:11:24 Selling the Virtual Pass for the Same Price as Digital Pass<br />0:12:15 The Confusion of Digital Pass and Virtual Pass<br />0:15:21 Catching up and anticipation for a fun weekend at Macstock</p>
<p><strong>Michael Potter</strong> is the Executive Producer of<strong> <a href="http://www.formaceyesonly.com">For Mac Eyes Only</a></strong>, and the organizer of the annual<a href="http://macstockconferenceandexpo.com"><strong> Macstock Conference and Expo</strong></a>. Mike's love-affair for all things Apple began in his Junior High's Library playing Lemonade Stand on a pair of brand new Apple ][+ computers. His penchant for Apple gear continued to be nurtured by the public school system when, in High School, he was hired as a lab supervisor to help run the Apple ][e lab for his fellow students and their Print Shop needs. Then, further still, in college he often opted to help a friend with her Computer Graphics coursework instead of focusing on his own studies, but only because it helped get him closer to the Mac-lab.</p>
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